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2023 Race Results

10 December 2023


Junior 2.5km run and 50m swim
Adults 5km run and 100m swim


26th November 2023


5k Championship Overall Results

5k Championship Age  Group Results

10k Overall Results


5k New Age Group Records


12th November 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

10k Handicap Results


29th October 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

10k Novice Results


15th October 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

20k Overall Results


1st October 2023


5.36k Overall Results


10 Mile Championship Overall Results

10 Mile Championship Age Group Results


10 Mile New Age Group Records


17th September 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results


3rd September 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

20k Overall Results

25k Overall Results



20th August 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results


20k Championship Overall Results

20k Championship Age Group Results


20k New Age Group Records

On Line Results

6th August 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results


23rd July 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

20k Overall Results


9th July 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results


18th June 2023


5k Overall Results


10k Championship Overall Results

10k Championship Age Group Results


10k New Age Group Records


10k QMA Championship Overall Results

10k QMA Championship Age Group Results


21th May 2023


5.275k Overall Results

10.55k Overall Results

21.1k Overall Results

31.65k Overall Results


Ekiden Team Marathon

Male Team Results

Female Team Results

Mixed Team Results

All Team Results

Individual Times


7th May 2023


5.275k Overall Results


21.1k Championship Overall Results

21.1k Championship Age Group Results


21.1k New Age Group Course Records


21.1k Male New Course Record


23rd April 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

20k Overall Results

25k Overall Results


26th March 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Result

20k Overall Results


19th March 2023


5k Overall Results


15k Championship Overall Results

15k Championship Age Group Results


15k New Age Group Course Records


15k Male New Course Record


5th March 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results

20k Overall Results


New Course Record 20k


19th February 2023


5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results


​5th February 2023


5 Mile Championship Overall Results

5 Mile Championship Age Group Results


5 Mile New Age Group Records


22th January 2023

5k Overall Results

10k Overall Results

15k Overall Results


New Course Record 15k Female


8th January 2023

5k Overall Results
10k Overall Results



Congratulations 2023 Winners

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